Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

To The Young

There is a young woman I work with who likes to talk about being a liberal. I think her purported ideals actually have more to do with the rhetoric she’s been fed about being compassionate. She truly believes these distortions, to the point that she has even claimed that Nancy Pelosi is her hero. Unfortunately, I do not have the right to explain the truth to her. She’s not my daughter. I would object to other adults forcing politics on my children. But the emotions I have felt from loving her and loving my country are somewhat overwhelming. This post is for her. She won’t read it, but I need to say it anyway.

Let’s start out by saying that I know how intelligent you are. I know how frustrating it is when you get to the point in your life when you realize that your analytical abilities have gone beyond the place where you need to obey your parents. It’s not just a matter of rebellion. It is a matter of really knowing that those in authority cannot understand your perspective. It’s a matter of doing what is right for yourself and following your head instead of the hearts of those who love you. I have noticed how you avoid controversy because you do not enjoy confrontation and you are so certain of what you believe that you are not open to hearing what you consider to be parroted, insincere arguments that don’t actually counter your own convictions.

Because I understand all of this, I will not attempt to argue with you or try to change your mind by means of debate. You have had that and you are done with it. I will simply explain to you what is in my heart. You see, as I have watched the destruction of my country over the past year, you have been the saddest part for me. It’s not a matter of the progressive leadership. They know what they are doing. They are unapologetic and deviant. They are the foe that I can take on head first. They are the enemies of freedom and the destroyers of America…and they KNOW it.

You, on the other hand, aren’t selling principles for politics. You honestly believe in something and just happen to believe that the government is the only vehicle for achieving your beliefs. You are ignorant of back room politics, the trade off between freedom and security, and the prowess of power. You want to help people. You do not realize that freedom is the best way to help. You desire something more hands on. You don't see how vicious and hateful politicians truly are or the dangers of allowing them to trade favors for votes and power. You don't understand the corruption.

I know I cannot change your mind. I know that your naivety of the hatefulness of politics has to do with your good nature and your kind heart. I know because I have been there myself. I just wanted to do what was right and good and kind. Somehow, I don’t want to shatter your world view, even if I could. It’s nice to believe that there are no bad guys, just different perspectives.

Unfortunately, you cannot remain in this state of not understanding forever. The weak minded can stay in this state, but you cannot. Someday soon, your perspective is going to have to mature and one of two things is going to happen. Either you are going to see that “helping the poor” is really just “stealing the resources of the wealthy to keep the poor enslaved” and become an advocate of liberty, or you will follow the ideologues down the path where your politics will completely destroy your principles. You will find yourself making excuses for talking away people’s choices and soon you will be mired in the idea that you are superior to everyone else and must protect them from themselves. It’s an idea that was parroted by every tyrant in history.

I wish I could make you understand. But, I can’t. I have to let you have the same liberty I am defending for everyone. Since I can’t make you see the path ahead of you, I will simply have to keep loving you and praying that you will see the truth in the end.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Support YOUR Senator

I just want to state my support for Senator Jim Bunning. Thank goodness someone is willing to stand up for responsibility. I’m sad he’s not running for reelection. I would donate to his campaign. We've become so demanding and entitled as a society. It has to end before the financial collapse of our country.