Saturday, June 4, 2016

Socialism vs The United Order

I recently had a conversation with a young woman who is studying government on a college level. It is apparent that she has never before wrestled with the questions of freedom vs. order, rights vs. responsibility, and who has the obligation of charity. She was telling me about a debate which took place in her college classroom. A young man said he thought the principles of socialism sounded just about right to him. “After all,” he explained, “Isn’t whether or not it’s voluntary really the only difference between socialism and the United Order?” After telling me about the conversation, this young woman looked at me and asked, “Is that really the only difference?”

I find it interesting how small most people see this distinction. Is free agency really the only difference? It made me reflect on another time when we all probably asked ourselves this exact question. We were all part of a great council. Our beloved Heavenly Father presented a plan for our salvation and progression. Our elder brother, Lucifer, presented another. The two plans were very similar. They both involved a mortal experience. They both prepared a way for us to return to God. We must have talked at length about the pros and cons of each plan. But, at the end of the day, when we had cut through all the details, I’m certain we looked at each other and asked, “Is free agency really the only difference?”

The irony is that while Lucifer’s plan certainly made it possible for us to return to God, it would not have worked for the goal of our eternal progression. In order to progress, we had to learn and grow. We had to become sanctified and freely consecrate our lives to the work of saving our brothers and sisters. We had to make mistakes and forsake them. We had to choose Christ. By taking away the chance at failure, Satan was also denying us the chance to grow. This growth was absolutely necessary in order to make it possible for us to become more than we were. We needed agency to become better people. We needed to become like God. 

I certainly don’t believe there are no other differences between socialism and the United Order. I simply believe that all the other differences extend from this one basic distinction. I see the way, in socialist societies, charity turns into a tool for political power. I see how our opportunities to serve are turned into obligations. I see a group of men and women who, like Lucifer, are willing to barter everything that is sanctifying for love of control and glory. And I feel like I can honestly answer that question with, “Yes, the only difference is free agency, which difference puts one group on a path to exaltation and the other on a path to damnation.” Every. Time. 

Also consider this article...