Saturday, June 27, 2009


Yesterday was a dark day for our country. The US House of Representatives passed the largest tax increase in the history of our country. They waved the flag of "global warming" while firmly taking larger control of businesses and their ability to invest capital in the growth of our economy. They continues to walk bravely forward with the policy of squeezing the productive sector of our economy to fund the unproductive sector. This move will do more to encourage the recession than their "generational theft" stimulus policy could hope to do to deter it.

But are we surprised?

Yesterday I watched a video that included a clip of President Obama on the campaign trail. He was told that historically, increasing taxes tends to decrease government revenue because it discourages production. The, then, presidential candidate said that he favors more taxes on the rich as a "fairness" issue. Now we have a president who thinks taxes should punish the rich. He ignores the fact that, in doing so, he is hurting the poor.

The good news today is that this bill faces quite a fight in the senate. Speak out...these elected officials need to remember that it is the people of this country they are representing and hurting.

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