I’ve been very interested in the things happening in our political world the last few weeks. I simply felt that there wasn’t much I could add to the discussion. I rejoiced in the people of Massachusetts deciding to attempt to restore the balance of power. I was pleased to see that we were provided with an opportunity to show that we would not be ignored.
Today I want to address that balance of power. There were two things in the President’s State of the Union speech that caught my attention. These two things caused me to take a few minutes to stare at my children and wonder what I could do to protect them. Here is a quote:
“Now, yesterday, the Senate blocked a bill that would have created this commission. So I'll issue an executive order that will allow us to go forward, because I refuse to pass this problem on to another generation of Americans.”
Doesn’t it make your breath catch? It should. Scott Brown has not been seated. This means that the President’s party still has a super majority in the senate. But when they disagree with what he wants, he simply goes around them. They wouldn’t pass cap and trade, so he had the EPA declare the gas exhaled by all animals is a poison. He wanted the power to regulate. He is trying to destroy the system of checks and balances that prevents tyranny within our country.
The other thing that froze me to the core in his speech was a complaint about the recent Supreme Court decision that struck down laws preventing companies from contributing to political campaigns. President Obama said, "With all due deference to the separation of powers the court reversed a century of law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests -- including foreign corporations -- to spend without limit in our elections."
President Obama, what does “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech” mean to you? Who, you may ask, would determine whether a book should be banned in the name of silencing those companies before an election? THE GOVERNMENT. So, basically, the Supreme Court decided to take the power to silence corporations away from a sitting government during an election.
My gosh. What are they trying to do? Does anyone read the constitution any more?
The Supreme Court does.
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