Two days ago, something big happened for anyone with kids.
A little background...In 1989 a major British medical journal published and article with linked the MMR shot with autism in children. This study involved 12 children (hardly a valid sample size). Since that time 10 of the 13 authors have admitted that there were major flaws with the science. Despite the fact that the results have not been repeated, people like Oprah and Jenny McCarthy have spread the paranoia. Several children have died in measles outbreaks after concerned parents refused immunization.
Two days ago, The Lancet (the medical journal) formally revoked the study, admitting that it was wrong. Too little, too late, perhaps, (and certainly no comfort to the parents of the victims) but truth always wins in the end.
If you would like to know more about this controversy (and see a picture of my adorable nephew), please read my original post here.
If you're interested in reading the journal's reasons for the retraction, look at this article.
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