Thursday, March 5, 2009

Our Next Move

The Democrats have pushed through their enormous spendulus plan. I am not going to spend time arguing about whether or not it’s going to stimulate the economy. That subject has been done to death. What I want to address is how people are duped into believing that conservativism is heartless. It’s really easy for a liberal to stand up before the country and push program after program by saying they are the Robin Hood’s of the world. They want to protect the poor and save the innocent. Isn’t that what good people do? Well, I, for one, have a very easy time picturing Robin Hood as a politician. You see, if you give a man a fish, you have a man who is dependent on you and subservient to you. Why in the world would you want to teach him to fish?

Yesterday my one reader (I know we disagree, but please stay loyal-I need a reader) asked me how in the world I can argue that we should not judge people in the same breath that I argue that we shouldn’t be funding people’s mistakes. I told her that paying money to someone who has done something stupid with their lives is a judgment, just the same as putting them in jail would be. And I do not believe that it is the government’s place to make such judgments on the lives of its citizens.

She expressed concern for the children, as so many have. In her defense, I had pointed out that women could not be paying to have themselves artificially inseminated with octuplets and polygamists couldn’t be supporting their lifestyles without massive welfare payments (, so it was me who brought the children into the argument. I said these people were victims of the system because our welfare programs enable their bad choices.

You see, the fact is that these circumstances were created by the current system and, I believe, that welfare is only necessary because of welfare. As I addressed in an earlier post, the people in this country are the most generous in the world. They are delighted to share with those less fortunate than themselves and always have been. Our charities and churches are the best in the world. But, the current administration doesn’t want that. They want to have control of the charity, so that they can control the people.

Consider the current situation. The democrats are pushing through massive spending, much of which could be considered “charity.” To pay for it, they are putting a cap on the amount of charitable spending the most generous Americans can deduct from their taxes. In essence, the government is now requiring that charitable giving be routed through them. Why does this upset me SO much? Because: a church gives out of love; a politician gives to ensure his power. These are the exact same techniques that have made Hugo Chavez so wildly popular.

Furthermore, the government wants there to be more development of jobs. So, they are raising the taxes on those that would be developing new businesses so that they can pay to have the government in control of development. It’s another power play.

Government welfare is self-perpetuating. It creates its own need and even its own expansion. It is government intrusion into healthcare that has caused problems. Providers have to charge paying customers a lot more to recoup what they’re loosing on government programs. Likewise, a mother with 6 kids might think twice about having herself impregnated with octuplets if she knew she was going to have to find a way to feed them. Conservatives don’t want people to be hurt. We want them to be free. We can see the system for the slavery that it is.

Once government takes control of charity, do churches come next? What about the press? That is, according to his recent address to Venezuela, Hugo Chavez’s next move. What’s ours?

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