I don't have much time to write today, but I just heard a few interesting statistics I heard on the Dave Ramsey program.
-Most people who bought new cars are paying for them by paying less on their credit card bills.
-Among "cash for clunkers" buyers, buyer's remorse is double what it is among regular car buyers.(Likely because many buyers couldn't afford to buy even with the rebate.)
-Cash for clunkers has INCREASED gas usage. The study shows that people tend to drive newer cars more, meaning the saving of gas mileage didn't matter.
This doesn't take into account other observations dealing with the economy. This ignores the current sales slump that may last for years because everyone who would have bought in the future won't be buying anymore. This also ignores the fact that so many good used cars will now be unavailable for the market because they're squished up. This doesn't consider the ballooning deficit indentured servitude of our children for generations to come because of idiotic government spending.
Allow me to quote Dave, "Quit trying to fix things and leave us alone."
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