Thursday, September 3, 2009

Protect Our Most Precious Resource

Before all else, I am a mother. I have been blessed with four children who continue to amaze and challenge me everyday. Anyone who reads my writing will see the parenting theme laced through everything I say. That is not just because it is the most important thing I am doing. It is because I believe the way to insure that our country is successful is to teach the next generation. I am not talking about pushing more money into education or putting your kids into preschool at two. I am talking about making them a priority and helping them to understand that the values they learn at home will bring more success than the lessons taught at school.

A friend of mine sent me a link to an article about a piece of clear liberal propaganda which was shown to an entire school of elementary students in Utah. The sad thing is that these pieces are meant to be mostly benign. They talk about service and self sacrifice, lacing the poison deep within the sweet truths. But, it’s hard to deny the implications. The last sentence of this video is a celebrity saying, “I pledge to be a servant to President Obama and all mankind.” You can watch it at the end of this blog.

I was disgusted to hear that the White House is using the National Endowment for the Arts to encourage artists to create propaganda for President Obama’s policies. I am wary of the president being broadcast into every elementary school in the nation on Tuesday and the NEA’s proposed lesson plans that encourage children to write letters saying how they would help the president. I will reserve judgment on that until I hear what he says.

But every parent ought to be cautious. As always, YOU should be the dominant force in educating your child. It all reminds me of a quote I read in high school (I can’t remember the source) that said, “Hitler knew just how to indoctrinate. He went straight to the children in their schools. Fascism was taught and children began to turn in their parents for disloyal statements.”

Am I saying this is happening now? No. I am reserving judgment. I am just pointing out that it is our responsibility to teach our children and that history has proven the dangers of slacking off on our most important job.