Monday, November 9, 2009

Stupid things people say to amuse me: Reproductive Freedom

I’m starting a new feature. It’s not going to have a regularly scheduled time. But, since I have been doing a fairly regular “words of people much smarter than me,” it’s time I balance it out with “stupid things people say to amuse me.”

Let’s welcome our first recipient! Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), the Democrats’ chief deputy whip in the House of Representatives.

For those of you who didn’t follow the sneaky, underhanded tactics of Nancy Pelosi in getting the monstrosity of a “health care” bill through the House last Saturday, here’s the story. The Dems knew they didn’t have enough votes. That’s because there were moderate Democrats who could stomach enslaving children in debt for eternity, but recognized that there had to BE children to pay the debt. As written, the bill included a premium intended to pay for elective abortions. In order to get the bill passed, the politicians added Stupak’s amendment, which specifically prohibits taxpayer funds from paying for abortions. The measure passed.

Of course the legislative process is a process. There is no reason the bill that passed the House will be the one implemented into law. Liberal Democrats know this, and that’s why they allowed the amendment. In fact, our stupid quote author has promised that the amendment will be stripped from the bill before it passes the Senate.

Now, Ms. Wasserman Schultz’s quote: “It was extremely painful for me to feel compelled to vote for a bill that contained that kind of restriction on a woman's ability to make her own reproductive choices.”


Let’s follow this to it’s logical conclusion. Not forcing the taxpayers pay for a woman’s abortion is a “restriction on a woman's ability to make her own reproductive choices.”

In that case, we live in a country where I cannot make my own food choices. You see, the government isn’t paying for my food. There is apparently a restriction on my ability to make my own choices about where I can live, because I have to pay for my own housing. This country is restricting almost every choice I thought I was making. It’s disgusting. This is clearly a fascist nation.

Well, at least no one is restricting my ability to be amused by other people’s stupidity…wait, am I paying for this internet connection? Crap.

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