Friday, May 22, 2009

California without Atlas

Californians have been voting for tax increases for years. So many people have been buying into the idea that a problem can only be fixed by throwing more money into it. Unfortunately, they frequently trust the government to be the ones to throw the money at. All of this has left the state bankrupt. They have driven the wealthy and the business owners out with their ridiculous policies. It’s funny, but when the government choked the private sector, the private sector left. Suddenly, the people of our nation’s largest state are realizing that it was the business that drove their economy and kept it healthy, not the government. Ahead of this week’s election, the governor warned that unless the people vote for more taxes, the state will fail. Well, the people finally came out and told their government that more government is not the answer. This is good news. Still, I can’t help but wonder what will happen to the country as a whole as the federal government makes more and more hostile policies toward those that are still pouring their minds and effort into the economy. Perhaps Atlas will shrug?

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