Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'll Say it in Spanish...

Okay folks, today I have to register my little boy for kindergarten, attend my older son's wellness walk, do some shopping, go to a church meeting, and teach a bunch of teenage girls how to roast hot dogs. I'd like to try to make you all feel better about the lies, damn lies and politics going on in this country, but I'd rather spend my 3.76 minutes of free time watching my three-year-old paint the kitchen with mashed bananas (literally). Don't feel bad that I had a better offer, though. Stephen Colbert is available. I really enjoyed the first half of this video. You can watch the whole thing if you like. He days some really dumb things, but remember, "He who gets offended when no offense is intended is a fool. He who gets offended when offense is intended is probably a fool."

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