Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Root of All Evil...


You know, society has to have some standards. When the people are forced to deal with filth that degrades the integrity of their moral values, it is the government's job to step in and say, "We don't allow that kind of disgusting display in our community." This was why I was so pleased to hear that Washington D.C. council member is stepping up to remove the bane of society. Jim Graham recognizes the fact that there would be no crime if there was no pizza. He realizes that a carb-infested crust topped with fatty cheese and, all too often, some disgusting meat product disguised by acidic tomato mush (although mouth-wateringly delicious) is "trouble with a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for pizza."

Mr. Graham says that these perfectly legal businesses cause crime and "have become a nuisance." DON'T WORRY, EVERYONE! He's already spoken with the mayor AND he's drafting legislation.

Heaven save us from idiots and state legislators. Perhaps the government would like to take over the food-service industry next? I, for one, think a hamburger would be much better if I had to fill out 76 forms, provide both a primary and secondary ID, provide proof of having purchased french fries and pay 14 different fees before I could get one. Better yet, perhaps they will appoint a committee to study the feasibility of offering a dollar menu. We could vote them a tax-hike to pay for the committee and then we would know for sure our burgers are ephedrine-free.


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