Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I just found a study that shockingly shows that "the most liberal states rank the lowest for personal and economic freedom." Seriously? They're studying this? It's like studying whether the driest states have the least water. You can read the *startling* results here.

But, what I want to address this morning is the fact that the most liberal states are also the ones facing crippling financial troubles. Now, as we ask ourselves whether the federal government should be bailing them out, consider this: Do we really want the federal government to emulate the states that are failing like California? The state of Texas had more new job creation last year than the other 49 combined! Wait a minute...They're quite conservative. STOP THE GOVERNMENT SPENDING.

On that note...My husband's undergraduate degree was in mathematics. We enjoy watching the television show "Numb3rs." Last night we saw an episode that talked about capitalism in third world countries. It addressed how much better things are when the people have the money. So why are we not stimulating the economy through tax cuts? "You cannot keep squeezing the productive part of the economy to fund the unproductive." I thought you might enjoy the clip.

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